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How to Get Featured in Forbes

How to Get Featured in Forbes
How to Get Featured in Forbes
So you guys as entrepreneurs should always be looking for your brand awards as well. Have you ever dreamed of having your business mentioned in the world's leading business publication? A place that celebrates industry titans, rising entrepreneurs, and game changers?
If you are a business leader, entrepreneur, or industry expert, get featured in Forbes can be crucial to your brand. The mere mention of Forbes carries an aura of authority, and deservedly so.
But why should you strive to make the Forbes feature? The benefits are manifold. Your credibility increases dramatically, and many opportunities become available. You can leverage Forbes.com to gain new opportunities in business media relations, brand awareness and potential customers. But let's be realistic. This media doesn't publish Forbes articles for everyone. So that begs the million-dollar question: how do you become one of the chosen few?
There are two things you need to know: the right people, that is, people who can actually get you into Forbes. It's not easy. But the second thing is, you've got to have genuinely a credible business or a credible reason to be positioned. You can't just pay your way into Forbes but have a really crappy message or a crappy business. So, it's those two things combined. Below we’ll explain how to increase your chances of getting on Forbes.

Why Forbes Is a Valuable Platform for Exposure

What is Forbes

For those who are not yet familiar with this universe, Forbes is a respected company in the business world. It was founded over a hundred years ago and boasts a rich history dating back to 1917. This makes it a name associated with business success. Impressive? Forbes can help you capture the attention of a global audience of industry leaders.
Forbes main page

Who Are Contributors

And that's where the fun part comes in. Forbes has its own editorial team. But it also opens its doors to a wide network of contributors. They share their expertise with Forbes' wide readership. Authors include thought leaders, industry experts, and even entrepreneurs like you.

Why Get Published in Forbes?

First and foremost, it's about credibility. The portal has a reputation for quality journalism and rigorous fact-checking. Forbes has a strong online presence and an active social media audience. Being published in Forbes immediately gives you an advantage. On your website in the "(Your brand name) in Media" section you will have a recognizable Forbes logo, and from your social networks you can proudly announce that you have been featured in Forbes, adding a link to the publication. It will instantly elevate your project's credibility to the highest level possible.
Your featuring extends to the digital world, where it can go viral and create excitement online. When your name appears on the pages of a magazine, it's a seal of approval that boosts your trust in your industry.
Second, exposure. Forbes boasts a vast and engaged readership. It's about the quality of the audience. They are people and professionals hungry for knowledge, ideas, and trends. Publishing in Forbes means your message will reach the right ears.
Finally, it's about opportunity and visibility. Once you make yourself known in Forbes, doors will start to open. You'll be on the radar of industry leaders, potential partners, and even investors. Opportunities for speaking engagements, collaborations, and business growth mignt knock on your door.

Publication Formats and Their Differences

Forbes covers
Now let's dive into the various publication formats and how they can work in your favor.

Brand mention

A brand mention is like a nod of recognition within the content, showcasing your company's relevance and impact in the industry. Brand mentions are powerful because they come across as organic, and it serves as generic informative article. They're not in-your-face advertisements but rather a seamless integration of your brand into the narrative. Typically, they occur because your brand has done something noteworthy or your expertise fits perfectly within the context of a story.
When your brand is mentioned in a Forbes, it adds a layer of trustworthiness to your business that can't be achieved through traditional ads. It's subtle, effective, and can leave a lasting impression on readers.

Sponsored article

Sponsored articles are content pieces created in collaboration with Forbes' editorial team, but they're clearly labeled as sponsored content. These are paid content placements, tailor-made to fit seamlessly within the publication's regular flow.
What's the magic here? You have greater control over the messaging, the content, and the timing. Sponsored articles allow you to take center stage and tell your story. You can delve deep into your brand, your journey, and your industry insights. It's an opportunity to showcase your expertise, thought leadership, and unique offerings.
Sponsored articles are about education and engagement. It's your chance to share your knowledge and connect with a discerning audience. They offer a level of visibility that's hard to match. They're prominently featured on Forbes' platform, reaching a broad and engaged readership. It's a chance to make a lasting impact and drive meaningful engagement with your brand. However, transparency is crucial. Readers should always know when they’re engaging with sponsored content.
So, which is the better route? Well, it’s not a one-size-fits-all answer. While brand mentions offer unmatched organic credibility, sponsored articles provide control and ensure your story gets the spotlight. Your choice will hinge on your objectives, budget, and where you stand in your brand journey.

Process of Featuring

It should be noted that now it's pretty hard to be a part of Forbes, which I hope to see every single one of you there. But in the meanwhile, we can still get our foot in the door with Forbes, right? At this point, you might be wondering, "How can I make this happen?" Well, we've got a plan for you, and it's as exciting as it sounds. And we can start actually building a pretty strong network inside with them by just doing a couple of things right.
Let's break down the process step by step. So, you've decided to shoot for the stars and aim for a feature on Forbes. This process is a partnership between you, FINPR Agency, and Forbes, and it's designed to make your Forbes dream a reality.

1. Get in Contact with FINPR Agency

Your journey towards being featured in Forbes kicks off by getting in touch with the right people. That's where FINPR comes into play. With us, Forbes is not that hard to be a part of. We’re giving you the interior game here of how to not only get accepted. If you want to get into specialized media like crypto media, don't hesitate to contact us.

2. Get a Consultation

Once you're in touch, you'll have the opportunity to get a consultation. This is tailored to your project and your goals. It is a strategy session where you'll discuss Forbes options and choose the path that's perfect for you. We'll give you all the details, listen to your goals, and come to a common denominator. This is a standardized process that is well practiced.

3. Pitching and Feedback

Now comes the exciting part – pitching. If you're running a PR strategy, or you want to get in a lot of these big-name publications, pitch them. Just focus on the big names, and eventually, you'll get featured in these publications.
However, with FINPR Agency, we will pitch your project to journalists who are a perfect match for your story. We'll make sure your message is heard by the right ears.

4. Copywriting in Forbes Style

Creating content for Forbes is an art in itself. The good news is, you don't have to worry about it. FINPR Agency takes care of all the copywriting, working hand in hand with Forbes representatives. Your story is crafted in accordance with requirements. We have extensive experience in working with large media outlets, so absolutely all the subtleties of writing will be observed.
Once your article is ready, and you've given it the green light, it's time to submit it. This is the moment you've been working towards.

What Are FINPR Best Media Options

At FINPR, we boast extensive experience in collaborating with TOP media outlets. Our team is eager to engage in a discussion with you to explore your publication objectives and provide valuable insights on the process of securing feature coverage in prominent media. We're here to offer guidance and support in achieving your media exposure goals.
Speaking of getting published, there are two options. Forbes Council (councils.forbes.com - Brand Mention) and Regional Forbes like:
  • Forbes India (forbesindia.com) - Sponsored article (Brand Connect)
  • Forbes Africa (forbesafrica.com) - Sponsored article
  • Forbes Poland (forbes.pl) - Sponsored article
  • Forbes Romania (forbes.ro) - Sponsored article
  • etc.

How It Works

So, in a nutshell, how our collaboration will work. Let's see.

1. Speak to Our Team About Your Business & Objectives

It all starts with a conversation. You share the essence of your business, your aspirations, and your objectives with our experienced team. We listen and align our efforts with your unique goals.

2. Research and Article Creation

Once we have a clear understanding of your business and objectives, our team of writers springs into action.

3. Instant Trust & Credibility

Forbes is a name that resonates with authority and integrity. Having your brand featured here is like an express ticket to trustworthiness.

4. Significant Website Improvements

But it doesn't stop at trust and credibility. Your website stands to gain. We're talking about a potential boost.
To maximize your chances of being featured in influential media, partner with a reliable FINPR agency. Regardless of whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business leader, Forbes recognition is within reach.
With the right public relation agency, your path to Forbes will be more attainable than ever before.