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Crypto Advertising Services. Ads Traffic for Crypto Projects

Market Obstacles For Cryptocurrency Startups

Since 2018 or so, crypto is a no-word for lots of social media and search engines. It’s a lot of pain to launch an ad campaign in, for example, Facebook or Google and without any problems get paid traffic. You might have a problem even at the very beginning - on a stage when your camp has to pass the platform’s moderation.

Some social media or search engines would require trade licenses from your side to launch campaigns. For others - existence of just one word “crypto” or “blockchain” on your landing page could be a reason to reject your campaign. You might use some techniques to overcome these limits, but this market channel could easily become not cost-effective.

FINPR for the past years helped crypto, NFT, DeFi & Web3 companies get crypto traffic and overcome existing complexities. We don’t guarantee that we are able to launch ad camps in every social media and search engine for any crypto startup, but in majority cases there is a room to go and a solution to choose - just write to us!

Types Of Crypto Ads

With FINPR Agency you can take advantage of our industry connections and experience to help you design and publish paid ads and banners where it actually matters.
Have your project presented at the top of search engine results. A paid feature, search engine ads are one of the best methods to have your project highlighted to the right public. With paid ads on Google, Bing, and Yahoo! search results, that is the best time to showcase your crypto project (see more about crypto Google ads service).
Banners on major crypto news outlets like CoinTelegraph, CoinDesk and popular blockchain portals (CoinMarketCap, EtherScan, etc.) are noticed by hundreds of thousands of crypto enthusiasts daily. Bring traffic to your website directly from the crypto community. Select from more than 110 banner placements on 50 different blockchain websites with FINPR.

Social Media Ads

Search Engine Ads

Crypto Banner Ads

Target the largest social media platform users. Showcase your project to the public. Connect with potential users and investors from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even LinkedIn (check more on Facebook crypto ads)! Social media platforms are full of crypto enthusiasts, users, and investors who are always on the lookout for the next golden goose and your project could be one!

What’s Included in Our Crypto Marketing Agency Services?

hroughout the entire process, helping you with each step. Whether you select social media ads, search engine ads, banner ads, or any combination of the three, we are here beside you.

If your project is ok to go (after our initial check), if you order ads on social media or search engines you get the advantages of:
Avoiding Bans:
With a strict code of conduct, many social media platforms and even websites for banner ads can be difficult to have an ad on. With FINPR’s expertise, we can help you in passing platform moderation so your ad does not get banned.
Targeting Audience:
We will help your ads in reaching the right audience through the use of keywords, interests, geographical locations, and other demographics. Let’s focus on the most likely to take an interest in your crypto project.
Repeated A/B Testing:
Every ad will have an A/B optimization to ensure a design that is most likely to attract users is deployed. This helps in increasing traffic and eventual conversions, leading to an optimized budget for ad efforts.
Custom Built Ads:
Our in-house team of designers and copywriters can create the perfect visual and text for your ads. The right words with the right design will make your ads stand out, beating your competitors.
Lookalike Audience:
Want to reach out to more potential users? What if there is a whole group of people who may be attracted to your crypto project but don’t have the right demographics? Our lookalike audience creation means future users who ordinarily might remain under the radar are also targeted.

F.A.Q. on Social Media Ads and Search Engine Ads

Why do I need to use ads for my crypto project?
To reach out to future users, of course! With FINPR’s ad services, your project ads can be displayed directly to the right audience, offering you more bang for your buck.
Are there any additional fees besides the management fee? For example, a percentage of ad spend?
No, usually we don’t charge any extra money for the ad services we provide.

However, if your monthly ad budget is above $10,000, efforts to sustain cost efficiency grow very large. We then charge a percentage of ad spending to cover our increased expenses, which vary from social media platform to platform, and your expectations from the ad campaign.
Are there any additional fees besides the management fee? For example, a percentage of ad spend?
No, usually we don’t charge any extra money for the ad services we provide.

However, if your monthly ad budget is above $10,000, efforts to sustain cost efficiency grow very large. We then charge a percentage of ad spending to cover our increased expenses, which vary from social media platform to platform, and your expectations from the ad campaign.
Will you guarantee a certain amount of leads or sales?
Unfortunately not. We only guarantee effective ads, targeted traffic, and clicks. We cannot guarantee that traffic on your site/page will convert into registrations, or leads because it's outside our sphere of influence.

Factors like your product/service, charges, competitors’ edge, and even your blockchain network can have a huge impact. They can have varied influences to convert traffic into leads, which FINPR does not have control over.
What if my marketing strategy suggests to advertise both on Facebook and Twitter?
Yes, if traffic generation is included in your community management and growth strategy, sure, we can help. We have to know what’s your project is about (for example, if you’re doing an ICO - it might be a problem), as well as in what social media you have your community (Telegram, Discord, etc.). If all matches - it’s doable. By the way, we also provide community management services, just in case.

Besides community growth, paid traffic also could be used in content marketing - when you use blog posts of your guest-posts on popular media in ads in social media (for example, Facebook) to make an extra touch with the Target Audience.
Do I have to provide creatives myself?
It’s up to you to decide!

If you have an in-house designer or someone else you have worked with in the past and like his/her work, you can have them prepare banners. Just don’t forget to ask us for the exact sizes!

If you don’t have a designer, our experienced team can help you and prepare creatives on our side. As for the cost, our ad campaign prices have design costs integrated so it’s practically free!
Why should I choose your services?
We have been in the crypto marketing space since 2017 (when it was Bitcoin and ICO rush) and have worked with some of the biggest names in the crypto, Web3 and NFT industry. Please check out our list of clients on FINPR’s home page.
What other things can I do besides crypto SEO to boost my project?
A proper crypto SEO is a gold mine when it comes to attracting users and investors to your project. Yet to get the best result, you can select from several of our other services that can tie in perfectly with your marketing campaign.
What other crypto marketing services do you offer?
FINPR is full-service leading crypto marketing agency that beside paid advertising (crypto PPC ads) provides fintech startups and companies from blockchain industry: Crypto PR services (public relations, press releases publications, organic publications for brand awareness growth), crypto influencer marketing, social media marketing (SMM), NFT marketing (specifically PR, influencers offers). Besides this, FINPR helps crypto business with crypto marketing strategy creation, content creation, influencer marketing, organic traffic generation via SEO, and other marketing solutions and digital marketing services.

F.A.Q. on Crypto Banner Ads

Why use FINPR instead of crypto ad networks?
Crypto ad networks, though at first glance they seem the logical choice, offer higher prices for the same placements we provide. Thanks to FINPR’s, crypto marketing agency, years of industry service, we have developed deep contacts that help us to lower our costs - much more than any other crypto marketing service.

Crypto ad networks are also not flexible in terms of payments as we are (many don’t support bank wire transfers, for example), plus some have strict KYC requirements that each client has to pass, making it more tedious to use their services.
We have an NFT. What’s the minimum budget we can start with?
It all depends on the ad services and sites you select.

Speaking of crypto banner ads, for sites with a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) payment model, some can start as low as $100* with $13* per thousand impressions.

There are flat-rate models too, where you only pay a fixed price. But these usually run a higher cost, (the lowest price is around $380 per month).

It is up to you to decide if you want to go for a CPM or a flat-rate model.

*Given prices are not fixed and subject to change by hosting website. Please contact us for current rates.
Will my banner be seen on the homepage of the media?
It all depends on the placement format you will choose and the website in question.

For example, if one of the selected formats is named "Article Sidebar Banner” it is obvious the banner will not be seen on the media outlet home page, but will be on each article on the site.

But don’t worry, you can always confirm with us whether the banner will be on the homepage or not. All you have to do is ask, and we’ll provide the info.
How do I know how many people have seen my banner?
We’ll provide you with information on all stats like CTR, impressions, and clicks. Each website will have its own report format, as the results are generated by them, but will have all the essential information.

For example, banner ads report on looks like this.

As you can see, it is clear how many impressions have been made for each specific banner, including the number of clicks by readers and the Click Through Rate (CTR). You’ll get enough data so that next you could make data-driven decisions.
How do I get in touch with you?
Contact us via form below, email, or type in Telegram: @finpr_agency and ask for the details regarding crypto SEO services.